Note: this post was in
response to a post that was saying that God would not focus on one individual.
about faith
I’m sorry that you have such a
misunderstanding of who God is. When you
talk of God focusing on someone or something, it doesn’t sound like you
understand the omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence of God. God can guide all the competitors in an
athletic event or in an election. He
chooses what aid He will give each individual.
And it pleases Him when that individual looks to Him for guidance.
1 Peter 5:7 says “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares
about you.”
Note: this post was in response to a post that was questioning God’s not saving someone in the Holocaust.
answer to tribs
If God did not choose to help someone that is in dire straits, how do you know that God was not using that situation to cause the people to cry out to Him for salvation? The time that they suffered here on earth is nothing compared to eternity.
I understand that libs have the Utopian Government for their god. But that god is not the true God and will not be your salvation. I suggest you cry out to God for salvation.