Monday, April 6, 2015

CNN denial of Baal Tyranny

CNN needs to stick to TV where its only audience is its sycophants.  When they voice their opinion on the web, they embarrass themselves, thinking that we all just fell off the turnip truck.

The author seems to imply that the dream of a more economically leftward party is somehow in conflict with courting and protecting powerful financial interests.  He tries to seem shocked that “even at his most progressive moments, Barack Obama relied on Wall Street donations for both of his campaigns.”  He implies that the talk from conservatives about left-wing “socialism” in the White House is somehow in conflict with the financial community opening its coffers to Democrats.

Then the piece de resistance:  “A more populist economic agenda that revolved around progressive taxation and substantial public assistance to strengthen the middle class can only work in a different kind of political system.”  It is true that a better economic agenda for the “middle class” would be in a different kind of political system than we have now, but it certainly would not revolve around progressive taxation and substantial public assistance.

The author needs to review what Baal Tyranny is about or he just needs to admit that the secret is out.

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