Friday, May 8, 2015

Another correlation with CANON

It correlates on the date of this posting.  If you are reading this on another day, search for May 8, 2015 on the website.

From the CANON on this blog:

      How the worship of Baal breaks the Ten Commandments

1.    Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Tyrants do not believe in the true God.  Their god is Tyranny.  They cause their subjects to worship and be dependent on them, rather than God.
     5.   Honour thy father and thy mother.

Just look at the breakdown of the family based on Godless socialist policies.


1.    God is omnipotent and therefore can solve any problem.  He may choose to use the solutions listed below, but he often provides in ways you could have never imagined.  The poor should cry out to God for help, rather than depending on Baal.

4.    Family members are called upon to help other members.

From today’s scripture reading:

Then Hannah prayed:

My heart rejoices in the Lord!
    The Lord has made me strong.
Now I have an answer for my enemies;
    I rejoice because you rescued me.
No one is holy like the Lord!
    There is no one besides you;
    there is no Rock like our God.

He lifts the poor from the dust
    and the needy from the garbage dump.

1 Samuel 2:1,2,8 (NLT)

From today’s devotional:

Hannah experienced great sorrow prior to the birth of her son Samuel. Through that difficult time, however, she demonstrated a strong love for the Lord and a dependence on Him through prayer.

Samuel had a mother who loved God deeply. In fact, Hannah saw herself as the Lord’s handmaid, whose life was in service to Him (1 Samuel 1:11). Even when her misery was overwhelming, she acknowledged how important He was to her, and she modeled a godly lifestyle.

We are commanded to love the Lord with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) and to give Him first place in our life (Deuteronomy 5:7). If we love God, we will make sure our children know about Him and understand the importance of a relationship with Him through Christ. Our lives, though flawed, will reveal the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Samuel was blessed because Hannah was a woman of prayer. After telling of her petition, which stemmed from misery, Scripture records her declaration of praise, which came from a heart rejoicing over God’s answer to her cries. A praying mother gives high priority to bringing family concerns before the Lord.

Children need committed parents who 1) demonstrate love toward both the family and God, and 2) help them experience the power and joy of prayer (James 5:16). Even one parent can make a powerful difference when Christ is the center of the home.


We are to have no other god before the true God.  We are commanded to love the Lord with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and to give Him first place in our life.  We should have a strong love for the Lord and a dependence on Him through prayer.

Family members are called upon to help other members.  They demonstrate love toward the family and God, and help them experience the power and joy of prayer.

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